Original Air Date - August 1st, 2014 - The lost Barbalet tapes. This is part one of a two part interview with Tom Barbalet founder of Model Rail Radio.
Original Air Date - August 17th, 2014 - In this episode Tom discusses traveling by train his work with Nople Ape and his love for King of the Hill.
Original Air Date - September 1st, 2014 - Model railroader or boy genius you be the judge. Jason tells us about designing layouts, learning to drive at an early age and using his wife's phone for the betterment of the hobby.
Original Air Date - September 18th, 2014 - A very interesting fellow with a fascinating background, aside from being an accomplished architect and model railroader. He's also a sculpture, farmer, mover of furniture, world traveller, friend of the planet and all-round great guy.
Original Air Date - October 4th, 2014 - Sara has been shooting and reporting on model railroading for a forth coming documentary entitled Model Citizens. She discusses all of what's happened up until this point and what she's hoping for in the future.
Original Air Date - October 21st, 2014 - We go international with Jim Gifford. An accomplished modeler from Australia, Jim gives us an insight into the hobby from the southern hemisphere.
Original Air Date - November 6th, 2014 - This interview i wanted to do right from the beginning. Marty is an old friend who's seen all sides of the hobby as well as spending time in the Navy.
Original Air Date - November 19th, 2014 - Part two of an interview with Marty McGuirk. We learn about Casey Kasem, influence of the Bee Gees and Debbie Boone had on his modeling. Removing a second deck from his layout and about being assigned to the U.S.S. Wisconsin an Iowa class battleship, affectionately known as "Wisky"
Original Air Date - December 5th, 2014 - We talk to North Coast Engineering (NCE) owner and founder Jim Scorse. Jim has had a fascinating life as well as contributing greatly to the hobby of model railroading. He also tells us about his musical career and why the major cities along Interstate 90 are 60 miles apart.
Original Air Date - December 21st, 2014 - We finish off the year with Joe Fugate, the founder and owner of the online magazine Model Railroad Hobbyist. Joe explains why he decided to start the magazine and some of what to expect in the future. This a very insightful interview and one we're sure you'll enjoy.